Join Us
5905 Flintridge Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Service Dates and TImes
About Us
Making disciples
So no matter who you are or what life situation in which you find yourself, there is a place for you here to Connect, Grow and Serve alongside us.
Life Groups
Mission – What We Do
Through purposeful, loving and intimate relationships with all people – the connected and disconnected with Christ – our small groups will make disciples of Christ who will be equipped to make disciples of Christ.
Vision – How we accomplish our mission
We will be groups that create an atmosphere where relationships, transparency, prayer, practical and personal Biblical study, care for each other, outreach to the disconnected and leadership are intentionally offered and developed.
Sunday Morning Class 9:00-9:50am
- “Cover to Cover: Working Through the Bible: Auditorium
- EYG 6th-12th grade: Stories from the Shepherds in the Loft
- Kids Min: ages 6 weeks – 5th grade
Wednesday Evening 6:30pm
- Adult Class: Topics Change Monthly: Room 121
- College & Young Adults: Conference Room
- Toddlers ages 1- 3: Walkers nursery class
- Kids ages 4- 2nd grade: Junior Worship classroom
- MYG 3rd to 5th grade: Upstairs
- EYG: Kevin Knight: Loft
Get Involved
There are several ways to serve our ministries here at Eastside
- Children’s Ministry
- Youth Group
- Adult Ministry
- Worship
- Counseling Ministry
- Community Outreach
- Pikes Peak Christian School
Mark Your Calendar
Check in here to see what events are coming up! You can find information on church events, youth group activities, and service opportunities.
Making a difference
Get In Touch
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
(719) 598-0344