
Eastside Kids – Mission
It is our mission to provide a stimulating environment where children can grow in their spiritual connection with Jesus. Our goal is to partner with parents so that as a team we can together help children become disciples of Christ.
When do we meet: Sunday
Bible Class: 9:00am
Children’s / Junior Worship: 10:30am
Wednesday: Bible Class: 6:30pm – Classes for ages 1-5th grade
Registration and Check-in
- All children are welcomed at the Eastside Kids Welcome Booth
- Parents who are visiting will be asked to complete a registration form
- At the Eastside Kids welcome booth children will receive a name badge. If a child has health issues, that will be identified on their name badge with a red dot. Teachers working with the child will be made aware of the health issue
- Welcome Booth volunteer will direct parents and children to their classroom
- To assure the safety of the children, parents will receive a Parent Pick-up tag to be presented to teachers when picking up children from Bible Class and Children’s/Junior Worship.
- Parents are asked to pick up children promptly at the designated times

Registration and Check-in
- All children are welcomed at the Eastside Kids Welcome Booth
- Parents who are visiting will be asked to complete a registration form
- At the Eastside Kids welcome booth children will receive a name badge. If a child has health issues, that will be identified on their name badge with a red dot. Teachers working with the child will be made aware of the health issue
- Welcome Booth volunteer will direct parents and children to their classroom
- To assure the safety of the children, parents will receive a Parent Pick-up tag to be presented to teachers when picking up children from Bible Class and Children’s/Junior Worship.
- Parents are asked to pick up children promptly at the designated times

A nursery for children birth to 12 months of age is available during Bible Class and Worship
Crawler’s (age 13 months to 23 months) Bible Class is at 9:00am. A Crawlers nursery is also available during Worship.
Well Child Policy
Please keep your child home if your child:
- Has a fever (Must be fever free for 24 hours)
- Is experiencing periods of vomiting (Must have not vomited for 24 hours)
- Is experiencing episodes of diarrhea (Must be free of diarrhea for 24 hours)
- Has a persistent cough or sneezing
- Has some discolored nasal discharge
- Has a sore throat or earache
- Has an unusually runny nose or watery/red, irritated eyes
- Is unusually fatigued or irritable
- Complains of a stomach ache
- Has swollen glands
- Has an unidentified rash (except diaper rash)
Thank you for helping keep our Eastside Family Safe

Well Child Policy
Please keep your child home if your child:
- Has a fever (Must be fever free for 24 hours)
- Is experiencing periods of vomiting (Must have not vomited for 24 hours)
- Is experiencing episodes of diarrhea (Must be free of diarrhea for 24 hours)
- Has a persistent cough or sneezing
- Has some discolored nasal discharge
- Has a sore throat or earache
- Has an unusually runny nose or watery/red, irritated eyes
- Is unusually fatigued or irritable
- Complains of a stomach ache
- Has swollen glands
- Has an unidentified rash (except diaper rash)
Thank you for helping keep our Eastside Family Safe

That being said, all Children’s Ministry volunteers complete a background check before working with the children. You will recognize these volunteers by the name badges they wear.